Saturday, February 21, 2009

First $20 on cashcrate

so I actually finally got to my first $20 on cashcrate! Hoorah!

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It's pretty cool and I can't wait for the check to come aroudn the 15th of march *same time my refund comes* and I can actually make even more money now that I learned the trick to it. Hoorah!

If your interested check the link

I will start updating with "fun stuff" again probably tomorow.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

funny captcha

So all the time i am on the interweb submitting stuff for people to see and all teh time I have to submit captchas. Whats a captcha? It's one of those funny looking boxes that makes you enter in soem randomly generated word/number to try to make sure your not a robot. Pretty cool, it keeps down on the spam.

Whats not cool is when you get some really messed up ones, Like this.

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Honestly, WTF! Why !!

I did not want to see that, but, shit happens right

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Free buy one get one dinners!

Ok, Anyone that knows me knows I like Free stuff. And who wouldn't? I have gotten free samples of almost anything you can think of. Shirts, hats, condoms, tampons, soap, women razors. You name it, I probably have received it.

But this one, This one is pretty sweet. Not as good as the free dennys grand slam *100%free* but pretty darn close.

That link is a link to a Buy one get one FREE TGIF coupon. A decent restaurant, with decent food. BUT it expires by march 1st, so you HAVE TO USE IT SOON!

So go out, Eat some, and comment on your experience. Or pass my blog link around to friends that eat there.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Cash crate visitors

Click one of the banners to get started!

So as you all see by a post 2-3 below this one, I started using this service called "cash Crate". Basically I make money by doing surveys, filling out forms, and signing up for newsletters.

Well I am up to $46 now, after less than a week at it. and I finally had someone actually click the link from my blog! FANTASTIC! *UPDATE* I have made another $33 in march, only during lunch breaks at work! that's only 4 hours!
*UPDATE* Scratch the $33, I have made $48 in march! ALSO! my $46 check from February was mailed out 2 days ago. I will be posting the picture as soon as it arrives!

It's so simple! I think most people don't read the little message I send them, or contact me to get tips and tricks. It's not hard for them to get started at this.

So Hey, if your interested, click the links to it, Go and sign up, and either comment, email me, or somehow contact me and I will help you out. It's simple, easy, and 100% free. I have yet to spend a dime!
Sign up now!

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Comics comics comics!

Here are a few more of my better comics. Too busy to post a real post. I am about to go out for my birthday!

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Tada! Hope they don't too horribly offend anyone. They are comics as you know.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

fun videos!

back a while ago in college my roomate yoghurt and I used to dub over xmen video's to make them a bit more interesting. It was much like the GI joe video's that are HYSTERICAL! However, We didnt have good equipment to do the stuff with, so we had to make craptastic ones. But anywho, here is one, and I will post more later. Check it out!

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sorry about the banners

Sorry to everyone about the new banner add on the side.

I know I know, Banner ads suck, and I agree, I tend to block 90% of them. However this banner actually could potentially make me money, where as the google adsense banners, well, lol.

Basically the deal is, for each person that clicks it, signs up, and fills out just their name, I get 20 cents. The more they do they more I make. by them signing up for any of the actual services (the not free ones that are 100% optional) I can make $$ :-D Now ya, I probably will only get 1 person to click it in a whole year, but if that 1 person actually uses the system well (Like I am, Im at $5, and spent maybe 10 minutes of free time and no money) then I will actually start making money.

This is about the only legit scheme I have come across where people, and LOTS of people actually receive money!!

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cat tongue

Getting ready to cook soup, my brother looking through our recipe book found this.

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Yum, cat tongues

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Santorum, and the hilarity that ensues.

Some of you may know the word Santorum. Yes, it describes a former senator froM Pennsylvania. Nope? you don't know him? He was the one that said that a right to privacy doesn't exist if your gay, and anything of a homosexual manor is sodomy, downright sodomy and can be punished under the law as such. He then went on to say that priests and such that were accused and convicted of molesting little kids, shouldn't be held to any worse regard than a regular consenting adult homosexual couple. Because, we all know touching little kids under the guise of being "holy" is ok.

Still don't remember him?

Remember Dan Savage? comedian in america

Nope, well probably not, He isn't a really great comedian, except for one HYSTERICAL thing.
You see, Dan savage wrote a sex column for a newspaper and asked his readers to write in a new definition for the word santorum. something that would befit such a "loving" and "respectful" character ans Rick. And boy did they pull through.

"that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."
Ya, that's right. He is now associated with that disgusting leftover drip effect, the same thing that dripped down and entered Dorothy Bush to create GW... Ya.

So how great does that make you feel. Knowing every night that someone, somewhere is mocking your name, because you were an asshole. I bet he cries at night knowing that, and his wife probably gets harassed everywhere she goes. Although he's that kind of republican that probably beats her to keep her pie-cooking baby making mouth shut.

So go have your self a nice tall glass of santorum.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The boy in the striped pajamas

I am not really one for Drama movies, or crap like that. It is always too feminine for me. However since this one was about nazi's and war and stuff I figured it would be pretty good.

Now, with out ruining the movie, Holy crap, FANTASTIC! I could see the end coming from about 20 minutes away, but I think that's the point. It gave a real glimpse into what begin a German boy in Nazi Germany was like. When your too young to think for yourself, and knowing that "The motherland" is the only thing that is good and right.

I would definitely been content paying to go see this movie in a theater. Feel free to read more about it at IMDB, the data base with SOO much info on every movie.

After watching it, I am going to be severely disappointed if Valkyrie is not at better or at least even. They hyped the crap out of that movie and if it sucks, I will be PISSED!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How virus's are often like the Vietcong

So I had a pretty annoying virus problem today. Virtumonde decided to install itself all over a computer I was working on. Spybot SD only could remove parts of it. Symantics virtumonde remover couldn't do it, And neither could another program specifically designed to take out virtumonde.

It's a lot like the Vietcong. You see, we first thought "lets fight this like we fight the rest" We dropped some bombs, sent in the troops, and for some reason, although we killed 15 Cong, 9 more identical looking bastards would re-appear after boot up, and then another 7" Just like the initial spybot scan.

SO then we equip ourselves with better weapons. (symantec, specific programs, in safe mode) And all hell breaks loose. Not only are they appearing faster, but with even more fury.

So, In an all ditch effort what do we do? Carpet bomb, Agent orange, NAPALM!!! Launching every program you can to get rid of them, Safemode, Hijack this, Autoruns, malware bytes, just all of it.

But in the end, Just like Vietnam, you realize that your fucked. No matter what you do, its just getting worse. Wait, No, this is a computer. Instead of withdrawing in defeat, never to mention it again, "yes, i would like to boot to this windows XP CD and reformat"

Take that Virtumonde!

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

The superbowl is upon us.

We all know the Superbowl is probably the biggest anticipated sports game in America. Bigger than the Olympics, Bigger than March Madness. Hell, it does have the word Super in it. But what makes it so special? Why are people always so intrigued by it?

The Commercials
Now, yes, some people do actually watch the game. There are the die hard fans that are in the parking lot in Tampa now, painted some ridiculous color, and incredibly intoxicated. Most of the rest of us though are sitting at home, with a few friends, a couple 30 racks, and all the dips and chips you can imagine. But, while we watch the game, yelling over every pass, missed tackle, and interception, we are really only looking forward to one thing. Those commercials.

But now we don't have to! Thanks to the interweb we can all view those amazing comercials before they even make it onto tv! Like this one!
Career Builder Whats better than a grown man crying? punching a small animal in the face. Yep, Thats the clincher. Theres no reason not to. I laughed my balls off when I saw this one, and there are thousands others. some are excellent. Some are just horrible. None will ever live up to the amazing 7up comercials of the past 7 up That was by far one of the greatest commercials ever created and played.

Now that your aware of this unknown fact. That you can watch the commercials before, after, or during the Superbowl, with out having to actually watch steroid abusing individuals fondle each other over a ball, are you going to start looking? I sure as hell hope so. Enjoy, and please, drink responsibly. lol.

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